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OMG! Soy! The feminization of our great macho he-men!


Humiliated, weak sissy boys with big honking jiggly boobs are the evildoers’ outrageous goal!

“Soy bean,” they say, as if it’s an innocent, cute little beige oval of protein they speak of. In fact, it’s a wicked feminist plot to further ruin our world—as if they haven’t done enough damage already—by not only busting but mercilessly extracting and destroying the very manhood of all our great manly men who so proudly and boastfully have always run the world as we know it. Could anything be more treacherous or shockingly devilish?

By God, the soy bean has become the germ of the great plague of today…turning all of our masculine heroes into simpering wimps, totally dominated and made into drooling non-entities by this plague of emboldened, lumbering, unattractive brutes known as feminists. It’s a nightmare, I tell you, a scary, scary nightmare!

So take matters back into your man-hands and eat your meat, milk and eggs, you whimpering veggie boys, you poor fools. No longer be fooled into submission by these dastardly thunder-thighed monsters! Come on back to our great brotherhood of Man. Divided we fall, united we’ll beat that feminist abomination into humiliated submission. Proudly fed on potent bacon and animal milk, we will destroy them, and then have only smokin’ hot, blissfully compliant chicks at our disposal, as it was meant to be!

Oh my, what a bunch of woefully ignorant, industry programmed, utter CRAP.

How can anyone take it seriously? Well, they do, in droves. It’s so comforting to alleviate one’s nagging, unbearable guilt by demonizing and ridiculing those who bring it about, as well as condemning what they eat and their lifestyles. Comfort (false or real, but mostly false) is what people cherish most. And people say misanthropy is a bad thing, or unjustified?

David Carter at Vegan Festival 2016 – by funcrunch on Wikimedia

There are supposedly fewer vegan men in the world than vegan women; but I see men as being more reliable in it, not as prone to caving in to societal pressures as women are. There may be more women, but they also more often tend to dabble on and off, or completely quit. It seems to me that far more ex-vegans are flaky females, just going by all of their showy boasting about being back among the normal.

Regardless, veganism and the dreaded soy bean are said to be a feminist construct, to bring about the total decimation of men. But to believe that you’ll need to forget the fact that the vast majority of feminists eat lots of meat/milk/eggs and have no interest in veganism except as perhaps a temporary phase in their “journey,” i.e., a brief shunning of a “patriarchal society’s” norms. But, yum yum, that patriarchal bacon just tastes too darn good! So, never mind real ethics and the truth; “tasty” treats and handy lies are so much more fun, right? Yeah, and so is the diabetes, etc. (See my article here.)

So, what’s all this jibber-jabber & ranting about?

Well, I’ve seen some nasty lies (yet again) posted online about soy foods causing feminization of men, while the real, potent estrogens in animal milk, eggs & meat—occurring naturally and added, along with the GMO soy “estrogens” the animals are fed in abundance—are supposedly harmless. WTF? Such unbelievable insanity. And yet it persists in popularity among a certain sect of our species, such as those mind-numbed and fueled by bacon-clogged arteries, angry testosterone and/or roid rage.

Ah well, on a far more serious note: Poor animals, all of you millions upon millions facing lives of hell and terrifying, painful and bloody killing by stabbing. I am simply so very sorry for this species called humanity (king of all ironies). I’m so very sorry forever for all that you all have suffered because of people’s deliberately bringing you into this world as “things” to be terribly abused and killed. But your spirits can never be destroyed by people. People only harm their own souls.

People; if interested in the great, scary soy “debate,” below are four good articles.

Arm yourself with legit info, as opposed to the nasty crap spewed by slaughter activists who count on those they consider gullible ignoramuses to blindly trust in them. Please read on, I think you’ll like these and find them useful (unless you’re hopelessly brainwashed by that ever present zealous army of industry henchmen):





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The word “livestock” is chock full of meaning, none of it good.

Stock is material goods kept on hand for use and/or available for sale, i.e. things. Not lives, things. Live stock are, of course, sentient lives held captive for use and/or available for sale. In other words, slaves, to be used for whatever purpose you like, including to be knifed to death and turned into unhealthy food. Or to be kept in hellishly abysmal breeding mills as with dogs for the puppy market. The shameful list goes on, all the stuff of the worst nightmares. But somehow deemed okay by the complacent masses.

“Only people can be said to be murdered or enslaved, not animals.”

People like to differentiate between people and animals, believing it’s okay to keep animals as slaves and sell them, slaughter them, and so forth…but not humans.

Well, except for our violent offenders and murderers who obviously do think it’s (more than) okay to kidnap and slaughter people. They almost always train themselves on animals before finally getting at the real targets of their rage. Now, what does that say for those who abuse and slaughter animals legally, for normal people’s wants?

Why do otherwise decent people suddenly become monstrously cruel when it comes to what they like to eat?

With me, it was purely and simply a habit, a holdover from generations upon generations past. And of course denial plays a big part in the sham; people love to pretend animals enjoy their lots in life and that being ineffectively stunned (or the more popular these days, fully conscious) and knifed to death is a pleasant way to die. And like everyone else, I used to believe: It’s all absolutely necessary! Otherwise, how will we survive? Without animal meat/eggs/milk, we cannot be healthy! (Which of course is a big load of nonsense.)

“It doesn’t get any better than us!”

A popular belief goes something like: Well, using and slaughtering animals got us to this stage of development so it must be good to use and slaughter animals. Yet at this stage of development, we’re anything but a peaceful, nonviolent, truly intelligent and consistently admirable species.

We hear accounts almost daily of some new horrific case where a child has been kidnapped, raped, murdered, and all variety of crimes against each other, from global crimes like what’s going on with North Korea and the terrorism problem, to one-on-one robberies, gangs of thugs menacing or harming people, etc., ad nauseam. There’s plenty else that doesn’t inspire pride either—anything but. The slaughterhouse, et al, are at the big old, deep root of all of that.

Anyone beaming with pride over humanity’s current state, thinking there’s no better way for humanity to conduct itself, has to be quite deranged. Derangement often seems to be the overwhelming state of mind among people. Those who are well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society are indeed profoundly sick people.

“Have a steak and fit in, weirdo.”

But as long as it’s the majority and “everyone’s doing it,” it’s okay, people believe. Being different is one of the things people fear the most. People are creatures of conformity, fitting in with the crowd, not being weird in any unhip way. Go with the flow, don’t make waves. Live your life the normal way, and aggressively push that normalcy on others. Well, aggressively normal people are repulsive to me. Really, I cannot stand it. Aggressively normal people love the concept of livestock, since normal people well-adjusted to a sick society have always used livestock.

Normal people seem totally oblivious to the harm the livestock mindset visits upon all of us. Believing in livestock allows every form of human-on-human cruelty out there. Since, when we lie to each other to excuse sadistic abuse of the innocent, because of their “inferior” status, deep down we know it’s all lies and that we’re thereby a species of liars. That leads to a simmering dislike of each other, then overblown denial of that dislike and the happy “I love all people!” proclamations. A perfect recipe for the collective insanity we all can admit to when being brutally honest. However…

Millions of lightbulb moments

Thankfully, these days more and more people are realizing the importance of our treatment of animals, realizing they are not stock, they’re highly sensitive beings with as much right to their own lives as we have to ours. So I sincerely hope hordes and hordes of people will continue recruiting everyone they can to the cause and the health benefits of being vegan and opposing all use of animals as livestock.

Then, someday that concept, that vile word and all the horrors that stem from it, will become obsolete, to be remembered by the vast majority only in shame and disbelief.

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12 of My Childhood Favorites—Veganized

First, a primer on my past love-hate thing with food, and a bit of personal nostalgia and other rambling.

I was big into food as a kid, even before my dad owned a popular Italian restaurant just outside of Los Angeles in the 1960s. We always had lots of tasty foods in our life and even more so from the restaurant which we all spent a lot of time at, along with our friends. See the 🍝 items below for those favorites inspired by my dad’s restaurant fare. All their recipes were invented by him and his brother, and they certainly had a way with the food!

Here is the only mention of the restaurant I can find online; search David B.’s comment and his mention of “Reggio’s”: Note that our restaurant wasn’t actually in Monterey Park but was on the Montebello side of its border, and David B. says it’s a Chinese restaurant now but actually it’s a Chinese laundromat and boba/smoothie bar.

Here’s an old pic of the restaurant’s namesake, the region of half my roots, where my dad was born and lived for a short time before the family immigrated to the USA’s east coast:

Reggio Calabria, Italy, 4 years before my dad was born.

So, as a result of all that tasty food and more, I had a chronic weight problem starting mildly at about age six; obviously the love for good food didn’t quite jibe with my raging fat genes. Two aunts and both their parents on my dad’s side were very obese and had hearty appetites, and the aunts loved to cook and have family gatherings. Well, yours truly was often an eager guest at those family food fests, then it would carry over to my home life since I and my mom liked to cook and eat, and she had developed a weight problem too, after having children.

Food was a main expression of love and thus a comforting “drug” in our rather lost and dysfunctional family, a drug with quite the destructive aspects. Thus the love-hate. I had a serious struggle (mostly on the losing end) with being very fat for much of my life, as did my younger brother. The family’s judgement and condemnation were further destructive…but they later came to regret the way they’d been, and were forgiven, at least by me.

Veganism at last came to my rescue, as well as that of all those animals I’d have downed…

Since going all the way and ending the dairy/egg cheating, and being strictly vegan starting in 2009, I got down to merely “chubby”—about the middle category in following illustration as opposed to the far leftI’d like to be the one just to the right of middle. But for the first time ever, I’m pretty comfortable with my weight and it’s been stable for years, no longer fluctuates hugely due to going from bingeing to starvation diets.

I’m no longer a target for mean, nasty, rude PsOS out there like I once was either. “Hey fatty!” and “Jenny Craig!” and other such sweet things would occasionally be hollered at me from nasty faces in cars rolling past, and other such sickening incidents. I’ve seen this happen to other people and always have to wonder what sort of creeps find it necessary to embarrass people like that. I’d rather be 200+ lbs than be that sort of creep.

Too late for a tangent alert? Well, here’s more…

Anyhow, I only love veganized versions of old favorites, no more hate. I’ve pretty much learned how to avoid the temptation to overeat, mainly by not having the more decadent foods regularly on hand at home, instead concentrating on healthier, non-fattening stuff. On top of that, I simply don’t have the huge appetite I once had, probably because what I do eat is mostly nutritious and satisfying…all plant foods. Where before I would remain hungry and keep on eating rich treats, more and more and more until sickly full, badly bloated, sluggish, and guilty about gaining ever more weight.

There was no “shutoff” on the appetite except for no more room for any more food. It wasn’t pretty, a miserable cycle of self destruction. But good tasting. First-World problems, I know, but no less real.

Casein, the mild opiate and appetite stimulant—for infants.

I believe dairy foods’ casein is behind much of the obesity out there and is only one more reason to quit dairy products, aside from the horrible animal cruelty involved, which should be the primary motivator.

My eating and weight problems were partly hormonal, since after “the change of life” my food & weight problems lessened significantly, as opposed to most women (mostly non-vegans) who have the opposite going on. But I do believe a big part of my lifelong problem was the casein in dairy products and its appetite stimulating and slight opiate effects. Cheese, sweet yogurt, ice cream, etc., were always a big part of bingeing. (I say “bingeing,” but I’ve always been a slow eater, so my “binges” weren’t the fast & furious things most bingers are known for.)

On a side note, meats are said to be nutritionally dense and satisfying (by advertisers and the well-programmed public), but I always found meats to be a catalyst for gorging on decadent desserts and things afterwards, aside from lots of other refined carbs like white biscuits and such that accompanied meaty meals. All in all, a high-calorie, obesity causing nightmare, for those many of us with “bad” genes.

So there’s my thing with tasty food, I love the stuff. Who wouldn’t?

But these twelve, in random order, are extra special because they’re compassionate versions of nostalgic childhood treats. These are all homemade, mostly from scratch, so are for those of us with time and patience to make some complicated recipes. But these all seem guaranteed to be worth the fuss. Just click on the links for full recipes and if you make them, enjoy!

1) 🍝

Vegan Spaghetti & Meatballs by Pasta Based


Vegan Fried Chicken by Blacks Going Vegan


Vegan Drumsticks by Namely Marly

4) 🍝

Chickpea Minestrone Soup by A House in the Hills


Vegan Big Mac by Namely Marly


Easy Black Bean Tamales by The Flaming Vegan


Vegan Chickpea Omelet by Fork and Beans


The Ultimate Vegan Chocolate Cake by It Doesn’t Taste Like Chicken

9) 🍝

Vegan New York Cheese Cake by Namely Marly

10) 🍝

Pizza with Cashew Cheese by Exceedingly Vegan


Lemon Meringue Pie by Namely Marly


Vegan Mac and Cheese by Vegan Yumminess