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Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease With a Vegan Diet?

Yes, it appears! 

Aluminum is abundant in our lives and said to be terrible for our bodies and minds. Most everyone knows about the connection between absorption/ingestion of aluminum and Alzheimer’s disease, a.k.a. dementia. Aluminum crosses the blood brain barrier and deposits in our brains (called brain metal uptake), where it definitely does not belong. This of course does damage which affects brain function (including autism, by the way). 

Aluminum is in an awful lot of substances in our lives, including drinking water (along with arsenic, lead, etc.), non-stick cookwares, baked goods (baking powder), cheese, pharmaceuticals, drink cans, and in food dyes containing “aluminum lake.” 

Alzheimer’s is a frightening, debilitating condition where our mental abilities are severely impaired, with formerly sharp, independent people possibly becoming helpless as infants, unable to care for themselves and unable to remember important things, like family members! Twenty-four-hour care by strangers, indefinitely, is often the result, living in specialized facilities, and in total just a terrible way to exist in old age. 

Studies have shown that VEGANS (and others eating primarily plant foods) HAVE A LOWER RISK OF ALZHEIMER’S compared with “normal” people eating standard meat/dairy/egg heavy diets. How much lower the risk for vegans separately is unclear at this time.

Of all things, higher SILICA in many plant foods could be a key to lower Alzheimer’s rates. Dietary silica is silicon dioxide, a special form of sand called quartz sand. It’s said to improve hair, skin and nail health, joint and bone health, heart health, digestive health, immune system, and the healing process. Importantly, it flushes out aluminum and other metals and toxins from the body by absorbing them and, being partly (about 40%) indigestible, the excess silica flushes nearly half of those absorbed toxins, such as lead and aluminum, out in our urine, so they cannot reach the brain. In that last way, silica is said to help prevent and treat Alzheimer’s disease. 

It’s recommended to get silica from food rather than supplements, since there are problems associated with long-term use of a supplement, such as horsetail herb.

And guess what? All of the most silica rich foods are plant foods! With green beans topping the list according to some sources, and other sources stating that dried dates contain the highest amount. Oatmeal is also a great source of silica.

Contrarily, processed cheeses and meats like BACON, smoked turkey, ham, etc., are foods that induce memory loss and increase Alzheimer’s risk, by building up proteins in the body that have been associated with Alzheimer’s, and containing nitrosamines as in the processed meats, which cause the liver to produce fats that are toxic to the brain, according to

Exercise is said to further detoxify our bodies due to the vigorous use of our muscles, sweating, getting the blood pumping for long periods, rather than being immobile and “stagnating” day after day. A large percentage of vegans are also into being active regularly, working out, hiking, running, etc., so that likely also contributes to our lower risk of Alzheimer’s.

High flavonoid foods are also important for preventing the dreaded diseases including Alzheimer’s, due to their being antioxidants and reducing or eliminating free-radical attacks on brain cells. Some potent flavonoid foods are: berries, red cabbage, onions, kale, parsley, tea, tomatoes, red wine, dark chocolate, citrus fruits, and SOYBEANS (shout out to all the soyphobes 😱). Healthy fats, as in avocados, seeds and nuts are also said to prevent and treat Alzheimer’s. 

Lastly and most important here…

Below are some top foods said to contain good amounts of silica, in alphabetical order, which we (who don’t have allergies etc.) should all be consuming regularly, which I do, thankfully, as a strict, healthy vegan for over 14 years, and I’ll sign off with them:



Dried Dates

Green Beans

Greens (spinach, kale, broccoli, etc.)

Mineral Water with Silica



Rice (brown is better than white)

Tofu (organic non-gmo)

Whole Grain Cereals and Breads (incl. sprouted)

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Those #$%@ing Vegans – If they hate meat so much why do they like fake meats?

The title here is just one of many tired old refrains used to ridicule and hate on vegans for rejecting societies’ barbaric, sadistic habits. How dare we judge bloody, stinking old traditions and refuse to go along any more? We’re despised for seeing what is terribly wrong and for changing our lifestyles to leave the old, cruel habits behind. They have favorite examples of vegans to tar and feather the rest of us with. Vegans who seem to deliberately work to make veganism look bad. I won’t name any examples here to keep this polite.

Anyhow, about the “fake” animal products.

I only speak for myself, but I used to love eating animal products; breaded fried chicken was an all-time favorite, with meat pizza, cheeseburgers and pastrami sandwiches being up there too. I found them delicious and over the years of my young life ate my way up to 200+ pounds and high blood pressure, etc., with such foods. I loved them until I finally faced the facts about where they came from. It took a long time; age 29 was when I first went vegan “on & off” and age 52 (2009) was when I finally went fully vegan and stayed with it to this day. Lost 70 pounds to boot. Best moral and health decision I ever made. I’d made brief stabs at being vegetarian (dairy & eggs) at age 15 and 17, but gave in to the pressure to be “normal” so it didn’t last long.

Veggie Burger = Demonic!

All along, even before quitting animal products, I’ve enjoyed the occasional “plant based” animal product replacements like hot dogs, soy milk and other plant milks, veggie “meats,” tofu scrambles for “eggs,” etc. These days, due to the unfortunate Bill Gates connection, such  products are being demonized and roundly ridiculed as yet just one more reason to hate on vegans, regardless of our politics, but always with the stupid assumption that we are all liberal “progressives,” and being vegan is only for liberals. Nothing could be much further from the truth; but truth has never been a preferred tool in the anti-vegans’ arsenal, to put it nicely.

Bill Gates, by the way, is no vegan, eats cheeseburgers like there’s no tomorrow, so perhaps that’s why he is what he is. Keeping it polite here.

Anyway, there’s nothing quite as hate-filled and shameful as some online forum where vegan hating is going on. They’re gleeful with it; they come out in droves and recite all the tired old clichés that have been endlessly parroted for decades. I won’t cite all of them here because they’ve saturated my internet so thoroughly that to dredge them all up would bore the hell out of me.  

“I don’t hate vegans, I’m worried about their health!”

The point of this article is to say this: There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with vegans (or anyone else) having “fake” meats and other such products. In fact it is a great thing, as long as the ingredients can be understood and are not too unhealthy. Even if “unhealthy,” they’re probably still not as bad as what normie junk food lovers eat. Some of the “fakes” are quite impressive with the real, whole food ingredients, like Big Mountain Foods Veggie Patties, which contain yellow split peas, carrots, green peas, red pepper, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, onion, garlic. and flavored with liquid smoke (which is made the healthier way). 

What in the world could be wrong or ridiculous about enjoying your former favorite foods but veganized, without causing animals to be grown like vegetables in hell farms and be brutally slaughtered at the end? 

Yet they do ridicule, because they must. 

In defending the indefensible, sensible, honest arguments are impossible to come up with. Think of Jeffrey Dahmer extolling the joys of perverted cannibalism, putting down non-cannibals as sick fools. What could he say that wouldn’t be repulsively nonsensical? Similarly, there are no legitimate arguments against people being vegan. We have the “plants feel pain,” the “soy boy girlie man,” the ”you’ll waste away and die,” the “your hair will fall out,” the “we’ve done it forever,” the “lions do it,” etc., etc., all pure nonsense (unless you follow a junk diet). But nonsense that continues to be used no matter what, out of sheer desperation. It’s not us normies doing anything wrong…it’s those vegans who are the evil ones

But THIS is what is evil…

…and the sooner the majority realize and act upon that fact, the better off we will all be. There’s no such thing as “civilized, humane, loving” brutes who blithely slaughter the sweetest, most innocent creatures on the planet with abandon after having held them captive and made their lives hell in factory farms. To engage in that is to engage in evil. (And no, I don’t claim to be perfect; far from it. I beat myself up often for my faults and feel terrible for my stupid mistakes in life.)

However, this point needs to be understood: This collective form of cognitive dissonance regarding animal farming and slaughter, etc., is behind all of humanity’s worst problems, with violent crime heading the list.

So have a veggie burger and enjoy, knowing you can eat it with a clear conscience and that no, it will not devastate your body or make you a laughing stock among decent human beings. On the contrary, the occasional tacos or whatever made with veggie meat will make your taste buds, your body and your soul quite happy. 

I say, never let boorish, ignorant people influence your life decisions…no matter how “normal” and massive in number they are. That is no respectable way to live.

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This goes out to those who admire St. Jude Children’s “Research” Hospital

Ever wonder why so many very young children have cancer and other serious diseases these days? I do. But decades of St. Jude’s “research” into childhood diseases apparently hasn’t shed any light on that particular subject.

St. Jude is heavily involved in animal torture under the guise of “life saving research.” Coincidentally, so are the pharmaceutical companies, notably vaccine makers.

With a wide array of vaccines virtually forced into babies and children, starting at birth, one could begin to wonder if all of that toxic, artificial immune system tampering could have something to do with the disturbing cancer rates and other deadly or debilitating conditions afflicting children, even babies and toddlers these days. But then one would be despised and ridiculed by society at large, so one might refrain from any further “bad thoughts.”

Anyhow, anyone interested, please read up and possibly have some trusty old illusions shattered:

The whole nine yards:

Huge surplus of funds, or what?

How cold can vivisectors get?

Well, those relying on animal torture seem to be really, really icy cold. What a shocker: